Welcome to my blog! This blog is a record of my learning from Pt England School through to Tamaki College.
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Ambassador Application 2015
Kia Ora. my name is Daniella . I’m 10 years old and in class 9 at pt england school. My favorite subjects is writing and my favorite sport is basketball. I have two sisters Mya and Shaina. Mya is the youngest and Shaina is the middle child and I’m the oldest.
Mya is 3 year old and Shaina is 7.
I want to be an Ambassador because I want to do new things like learning about different countries that I have not yet been to. I want to welcome people and show them around our beautiful school. I’m proud to be from pt england school.
Here is a blog post that I’ve made to show Learn Create and Share.
Friday, 28 November 2014
Sweet Peas
1. Explain what a pea pod is? it’s like a bag for the peas
2. Infer why the smallest peas were the sweetest ones? because it’s not really ready yet
3. Was the taste testing a good idea? yes or no? Explain your answer? on because how they would get sick and they would have no dinner to
4. While the girls were taste testing, which peas were the best ones? the little one’s
5. Suggest one idea of what Mihi and the narrator should have done, instead of taste testing? have gave it to the grandfather and waited
We are learning to find and use relevant parts of the text to help us answer questions. This story is about Mihi and her friend who were meant to be collecting peas but instead they ate it and didn’t gave it to her grandfather
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Do you have Athletics? we do On November the 15th we had Athletics . and it was on a friday.we got into our Athletics clothes and then we waited for mr burt to call us to go to the courts. But first we had morning tea called us to go to the courts then we went to the courts and we lined up in to our year line in groups. We waited for Ms Vaafusuaga to tell us to go.
I was in the year 5 girls group. And our leader was Miss Ouno. our first activity was
Shot put I wasn’t very good at it and it was not easy. I didn’t really want to do it but I got butter at it then our next activity was the high jump my first try was not good and more to Try was not good but my other tries were good. And when I first saw it I didn’t want to do it .
I was so tired that I felt like fainting.I was thirsty for a drink and wanted food to .finally we could have lunch.when we finish lunch we only had two more we played softball through
and sack run.it was so trieing but I liked it Athletics was so fun I liked the high jump
because I like how I was jumping and I got thing right
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Friday, 24 October 2014
cyber smart
Do you know what use my brain use my I’m going to be cyber smart means? I do pt england school has it as a korero that means that we always say it. So we can remember to use our brain our heart and cyber smart.
use my brain
use my brain means that if someone sent you nasty email messages. Then take a screenshot and send it to your teacher
for example. you should think before you say or do, be smart,
if you have hard thing to do and you don’t want you do it. you should use your brain and try it.
use my heart
use my haert mean that never gave up and try your best
for example. try your best at the test, be brave, do 100 %
in your work and alway think ahead.
I’m going to be cyber smart
be nice to people online for example. D.L.O means digital learning objects
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Watch out yellow
Record audio or upload mp3 >>
What is pink? A marshmallow is pink.
What is red? A strawberry is red.
What is blue? The sky is blue.
What is white? the cloud is white.
What is yellow? Niue flag is yellow.
What is green? grass is green.
What is brown? chocolate is brown
Friday, 17 October 2014
how much in a week
This week we've been leaning about time . We had to work out
how much time ( mins ) we spent bruising our teeth,at school
and watching TV here is my pie graph that shows you how much time I spent on each day
how much time ( mins ) we spent bruising our teeth,at school
and watching TV here is my pie graph that shows you how much time I spent on each day
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
art attcak
what dose a artist do when they make a mistake?
what dose artist feel about being a artist?
what do artist think about there painting?
what dose artist feel about being a artist?
what do artist think about there painting?
Thursday, 25 September 2014
today in C.R.E we had to get a buddy and to make a sentence.and we were talking about david it was fun.
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
my 2014 rubric
Here is my mark that I think I deserve. I think I worked really heard on this team's animation. next tearm
my goal is to get a better mark.
my goal is to get a better mark.
Monday, 22 September 2014
Friday, 19 September 2014
cross country
There was cross country I was so excited. when The year 5 boys got call
because I knew. That the year 5 girls were going to be called.
When we got call Mr Burt said “On your marks, set, go!!!”and then he clapped the clappers. When we ran I took deep breath
and ran for it.
We ran passed the gold post. And then we ran around
the reserve Passed the cones and passed the Teacher that was the Marshall. I.I ran and ran and I was running with some of my friends to.
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Today in C.R.E we were doing some sewing it was so fun we had buddy and my buddy was Patricia when we got the needle we stared sawing then when miss Clarke said that she had to go when she went I wanted to sew.
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Friday, 5 September 2014
The words water runing out
World leaders are gathering in washington Today to Discuss the worsening water. crisis water may Soon. Need to be rationed said. Us president Amelia Topp if we carry on Wasting it there simply won’t Be enough to go Round.
The Fox and tiger
1. Explain why Tiger didn’t harm or eat fox?
because the fox said that he was the Emperor’s Grand Officer.
2. Was Fox the Emperor’s Grand Officer? Explain your answer in detail
the fox wasn't the emperor and he was just betened to run away
3. What is an Emperor? it is like a king
4. What is a Grand Officer? it is the Grand Officer of heaven
5. What did you learn from this folk tale? that do what you need to do to save your life
Thursday, 28 August 2014
the Quizz
in C.R.E we were doing a Quizz and in the Quizz were like
Who was the first one to climb the highest mountain in the world?sir edmund hillary
how many books are there in the Bible? 66
What did Mary Jones want? a Bible
Who was the first one to climb the highest mountain in the world?sir edmund hillary
how many books are there in the Bible? 66
What did Mary Jones want? a Bible
Thursday, 21 August 2014
sir Edmund hillary
Today in C.R.E we were talking about sir Edmund hillary he is a mountaineer and he is on a 5 dollars note to
so are trying too make good choices. I have commanded you to be determined and confident don't be afraid or discourage for i the lord your god am with you where ever you go.
so are trying too make good choices. I have commanded you to be determined and confident don't be afraid or discourage for i the lord your god am with you where ever you go.
Thursday, 14 August 2014
We read an article about playing flipperball. Here are some facts about it.
Friday, 8 August 2014
quarter midget car
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1DKApw3k6cbSM72-TY5fSHxpw9S9mWjaaJ99CxCnV9QI/embed?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000" frameborder="0" width="960" height="569" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>
Lucy van Dalen
Lucy van Dalen is a athlete. She does track and field events for New Zealand. Lucy is 25 years old and is from Wellington.
being a athletes
The commonwealth Game has come to an end athletes train all most all year to competitions they talve around the word. Taking part to vs different competitions they have to eat the good food if they do not eat it they will not. Be good to play and always eat the good food.
Thursday, 7 August 2014
Being a role mobel
Today in C.R.E we had a Game where two girls have a balloon and they have to kick the balloon and if they
drop it on the mat then you will be out. We were talking about Wynton Rufer. He is a football player and he started in 1982. His mum is Maori and dad is from Switzerland. Work hard at whatever you do. Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 10.
drop it on the mat then you will be out. We were talking about Wynton Rufer. He is a football player and he started in 1982. His mum is Maori and dad is from Switzerland. Work hard at whatever you do. Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 10.
Thursday, 31 July 2014
being a champin
Today on C.R.E we were talking about peter Snell he won 5 gold
3 Olympics and 2 commonwealth all he need was attitude ability
and enjoyed running and his body is very good to run.
3 Olympics and 2 commonwealth all he need was attitude ability
and enjoyed running and his body is very good to run.
Friday, 25 July 2014
Peter travels to willington
This week we have been learning about Length. To learn about kilometers , we used google maps. we had to find out how many kilometers there are from Auckland to willington. the answer is i found out that there are 650km from Auckland to Taupo.
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Daniel and the lions
Today on C.R.E we had a story about when Daniel prayed to god but he was not suppose to pray to god because king blashezzar said do not pray to god but then Daniel prayed and then king blashezzar saw Daniel praying to god and then they threw him in to the den with lions
on my cousin birthday
‘’Did you have a good time on the first weekend of the holiday?’’ I did it was so cool and I am going to tell you about them.
On the holiday it was my cousin birthday. it was on a Saturday. my cousin’s name is kayd and he is 4 years old. we had a BIG BBQ.and his cake was big too. it was a banana cake. there were a lot of people we had the birthday at my aunty house.
We played a lot of games like racing with a buddy and treasure hunt. My aunty put some Moro bars and hid them around the house. it was fun.
the best to and my favorite part was when my Aunty
put the moro bars around the house because I had
more moro bars then my cousin’s.
Monday, 21 July 2014
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Here is a Animation that I made
Daniella float and sinking from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Friday, 27 June 2014
Thursday, 26 June 2014
being patience
Today on C.R.E miss Clarke was talking about how king Saul was jealous of David . david hid in the cave and while king saul was sitting there david cut some of a piece of his coat and then king saul went out of the cave and when he was far then he went out and said king saul I cut some of your coat off.
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
my cousin j.j
Do you have a special family member? I do my cousin j.j he is 5 year.
old and he go to pt England school he is special to me because. he’s always happy with me but when he is . with someone then me he is not happy but his friend he’s some time happy. and he is the best cousinwhen every he is happy.
Friday, 20 June 2014
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
my cousin skye
My special member is my cousin Skye. she is 7 year old and she goes to Pt England school. Skye is cool to play with and talk to when I’m sad she makes me happy by cheering me up. and when I need help. she will help me. Skye is grateful for what she gets, she is the best.
Thursday, 12 June 2014
today on C.R.E we had to get a buddy and get a bible we got a paper and it had a bible book in it had
some word were missing and we have to find the word in bible. My favourite verse Luke 18:16 Jesus said Let my children come to me and do not stop them because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these
some word were missing and we have to find the word in bible. My favourite verse Luke 18:16 Jesus said Let my children come to me and do not stop them because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these
Friday, 6 June 2014
Thursday, 5 June 2014
Today we had C.R.E miss Clark had a bag fall of bible she told as to get a buddy
my buddy was memory miss Clark said one of your buddy have get a bible my buddy
my buddy was memory miss Clark said one of your buddy have get a bible my buddy
Friday, 30 May 2014
Liam had to clean his room up so he can
get out
I learned that if your room is a heap
that mean you have to clean your room
I think the author was trying to tell us
next time to make your room clean
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Today on C.R.E we were watching a movie about a girl call Mary Jones she wanted a bible
and she was 9 year old and she made money for 6 year so when she was 15 year old and she
made the amount of money and now she can get her bible and when she got it she was so happy
and then when she want home her mum and dad was waiting for her at home
and she was 9 year old and she made money for 6 year so when she was 15 year old and she
made the amount of money and now she can get her bible and when she got it she was so happy
and then when she want home her mum and dad was waiting for her at home
Friday, 23 May 2014
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
My Hoilday highlight
start here:On the holiday I went to my cousin kj.
birthday he was 7 year old and he wanted .to go to rainbow’s end so we went to rainbow's end and .it was fun because me and my coine went a the new ride to and on all of the ride.
and then went shopping my aunt said we are having a .BBQ
went to get the meat and my aunt went to go get the vegetables
and when went to kj .home my aunt said that I can help her make the cake
with her.
and she ask my uncle .if he can do the meat and me and her will make
the cake but she said she will make the cake and I will make the icing
for. the cake and when she was fishin I was fishin to so we put the icing
and it said happy birthday kj and it was yummy to and the BBQ to.
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Friday, 11 April 2014
Thursday, 27 March 2014
swiming 2014
Have you ever been thought by an swimming instructor before? class 9
walked to Glen Innes Aquatic center pool and we went.to the shower and went into the water and the instructor .gave as a board and she told as how
to swim on my back and. how to do the ‘’rocket arms big circles.and
chin on chest to.when I got out of the pool .I was so’’ cold quickly ran to my
towel and got changed and wanted for my class and when they came I ran to school.
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Dictagloss week8
The sun shone brightly as we walked quickly. to our swimming loson
as I dipped my feet as .was I found the day behind me has disappeared
I think I did ok
Monday, 17 February 2014
there are more student in our class that have 4 children in their families .compared to students have only 6
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