
Friday, 26 August 2016

Hiwi the kiwi

Image result for hiwi the kiwi at pt england schoolImage result for hiwi the kiwi

On the 25/8/2016 .Hiwi the kiwi came to Pt England school they were talking about keeping environment safe and healthy like no littering because our birds and fish will die.Like if a bird see plastic bag in the water and then eats it they will chock and dies.And if a fish eats a a milk bottle lid it will block the tube that eats from and it won't be able to eat again and it will die.and he was talking about how to keep safe while we are fishing like wearing a lfe jacket because these 3 strong men where speeding on a boat they never wore there life jackets.They where speeding soo fast that they never saw a huge rock in front of them that they crashed into the rock they all fell off they boat was still running that it left them behind they all knew how to swim they there land was to far that the drowned.other stuff he said  waws if we get a small fish put it back so they can get bigger so they can  breed and  if you catch a really big fish put it back because it mite be pregnant .and to be safe we don't catch a bird to

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