start here:On the holiday I went to my cousin kj.
birthday he was 7 year old and he wanted .to go to rainbow’s end so we went to rainbow's end and .it was fun because me and my coine went a the new ride to and on all of the ride.
and then went shopping my aunt said we are having a .BBQ
and so we got the stuff for the bbq and me and my cousin
went to get the meat and my aunt went to go get the vegetables
and when went to kj .home my aunt said that I can help her make the cake
with her.
and she ask my uncle .if he can do the meat and me and her will make
the cake but she said she will make the cake and I will make the icing
for. the cake and when she was fishin I was fishin to so we put the icing
and it said happy birthday kj and it was yummy to and the BBQ to.